As technology partner of Wits University, SIMEC lab pyrolyzer serves the research of biomass pyrolysis and carbon dioxide removal. It has full features, accurate temperature control. Reactor design principle maintains consistency to the requ...
As technology partner of Wits University, SIMEC lab pyrolyzer serves the research of biomass pyrolysis and carbon dioxide removal. It has full features, accurate temperature control. Reactor design principle maintains consistency to the requ...
Due to the abundant contents of Crude Fibre, the pelleting process of PKM requires very robust pellet machine. SIMEC supply the proper pelletizing technology to realize the application of palm kernel meal in feed formula. Pellet mill is equi...
SPM420 wood pellet mill was shipped to Indonesia on 24th December 2023. The client runs a wood flooring mill in Cirebon, generating wood sawdust and wood shavings, pretty dry, about 12%~14% moisture. He will start from 1 ton/hour production ...
A pizza oven producer in the USA adopted SIMEC automatic wood pellet burner as heating unit. The controller was customized according to cooking temperature range and required operation logic....
SIMEC supply ring die for Andritz PM30 pellet mill mounted in a wood pellet line in the US. The ring die has run for 2150 hours. The client is satisfied with the test result and plans to purchase 20 identical ring dies in stock....
In late November 2022, a batch of wood pellet mill spare parts were delivered to Mr Prapto by sea. The cargos include ring die, roller shells, roller assembly....