The biomass raw materials can be processed into bio-charcoal (biochar) products through pyrolysis reaction in a certain and proper temperature. The biochar products can be activated, functioning as adsorbent, and used in many industrial fields.

Continuous Rotary Biochar Furnace

Installed Charcoal Furnace in Indonesia
One of our Indonesian customers in Sumatra, where there are plenty of palm kernel shells (PKS) and coconut shell, has booked the SIMEC automatic RCF162 automatic continuous biochar pyrolysis furnace in this early year. The client would like to produce PKS charcoal and coconut shell charcoal, which would be exported to the target markets to be made into activated carbon as the final product.
The SIMEC RCF162 Automatic Continuous Furnace adopts anaerobic destructive distillation technology. The biomass raw materials are processed through pyrolysis reaction in anaerobic and high temperature condition. The reaction will generate combustible syn-gas. After purification, the syn-gas can be recycled as the fuel to heat the furnace, that makes the operation energy saving and emission reduction. The extra purified syn-gas can be stored in a gas tank and used as the fuel for a syn-gas power generator.

Raw Material PKS

Carbonized PKS

Carbonized Coconut Shell
The continuous biomass charcoal furnace was delivered to our client in the middle of May in 2018. SIMEC team helped our client finish the installation, commissioning and training in the end of this August. The test results of the PKS charcoal and coconut shell charcoal are same as ones from the charcoal made in batch kiln conventionally.
The SIMEC RCF162 Automatic Continuous Furnace adopts anaerobic destructive distillation technology. The biomass raw materials are processed through pyrolysis reaction in anaerobic and high temperature condition. The reaction will generate combustible syn-gas. After purification, the syn-gas can be recycled as the fuel to heat the furnace, that makes the operation energy saving and emission reduction. The extra purified syn-gas can be stored in a gas tank and used as the fuel for a syn-gas power generator.

Raw Material PKS

Carbonized PKS

Carbonized Coconut Shell
The continuous biomass charcoal furnace was delivered to our client in the middle of May in 2018. SIMEC team helped our client finish the installation, commissioning and training in the end of this August. The test results of the PKS charcoal and coconut shell charcoal are same as ones from the charcoal made in batch kiln conventionally.
The extra syn-gas will be used as the heating resource to dry their raw materials before the biomass charcoal production. We have designed a complete rotary drying system, which fit perfectly with the charcoal furnace, to dry the raw materials.

Biomass Pyrolysis Furnace

SIMEC Technicians with Local Staffs
SIMEC always focuses on the research and development of automatic continuous Biomass Pyrolysis Furnace. We keep making our products more multiple use, operational automation, high efficiency, Energy conservation and emission reduction.