The Advantages of Torrefied Palm EFB
SIMEC Engineering is always concerned on the emission of Green House Gas (GHG) to the environment. As such we are also developing the torrefaction technology to produce torrefied pellets from the Empty Fruit Bunches.TorrefiedEFB pellets can be utilized as alternative fuel in the cogen plant.
Please find the specification for EFB pellet as per below information. After being torrefied,the specifications can be improved a lot.
Orginal EFB Pellet
Details and specifications
Bulk density More than 0.65kg/liter
Moisture 10-12%
Ash 4.5-5.0%
Energy 4,280 – 4,500kcal/kg
Sulphur 0.12-0.14%
Diameter 6mm – 12mm
Length <50mm
Palm EFB will be pelletized first then be torrefied.
About BTU values and pelletizing. First, torrefied biomass, made by our process, has a BTU rating which can be made to range from 10,000 to 13,000 BTU’s, or higher. So, our torrefied material always has much higher BTU’s than the untreated biomass.
The palm oil mill waste is the empty fruit bunch which is surplus until sometimes it has to be left for decomposed.
Therefore, we would like to introduce the utilization of this product. The EFB are damp after the palm oil mill process. So the main material is EFB. This need to be shredded before further process.
The torrefied pellets will be 0% moisture , smokeless and the CV could achieve up to 5000 and above. Normal various pellets’ CV is about 3800- 4500.
So under torrefaction the product would have also the advantages to burn at a longer period of time, given a better heat output and also using less material compare to the normal biomass pellet.

Palm Based EFB Pellets

Palm EFB

Palm EFB Pellets